My Passion Prayer for Priests

God bless our Fathers, the priests!

Amo Iesu by Grace Pax

i lay down my life for the sheep

Lord Jesus, as Your faithful servants have given up everything to follow You in Your Passion, hear this prayer I offer for them in thanksgiving for Your sacrifice, and theirs.


By Your agonizing sweating of blood in Gethsemane, shield our priests from stress and all other interior agonies.

most precious blood

By Your cruel and unjust scourging, protect our priests from pains of the back.

crown of thorns

By Your awful crowning with thorns, may our priests be spared from headaches and other torments of the head.

via dolorosa

By Your excruciating carrying of the cross, sustain in our priests an ever high energy level with an abundant supply of supernatural strength.


By Your tortuous death on the cross and the spiritual darkness You suffered there, preserve our priests from desolation of spirit so they may always feel You near.

ihs and priest

Guide, guard, and bless our priests always so that they may never be without Your grace and favor…

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Holy Week and the Need for Prayer

Please pray!

Amo Iesu by Grace Pax

alter christus

For us laypeople, Holy Week is a glorious time of great excitement. I look forward to it every year. For our priests who make it all happen, it is also glorious and exciting, but their ability to enjoy it as such is limited. Multi-hour Confessions almost daily, new members of the Church, and preparing for festivities and special liturgies, while beautiful privileges they cherish, also form a very heavy, stressful, and sometimes agonizing cross. These consecrated men of God truly lay down their lives for the sheep. I spend every Holy Week in prayer and fasting for them, and find my own Holy Week experience nourished as a result. Out of love, gratitude, compassion, and reverence for their holy gift of self for us, let us relieve them as much as possible through prayer and sacrifice.

For a collection of prayers for priests, see here:

pray for priests

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